Scourge of war waterloo black boxes
Scourge of war waterloo black boxes

Royal Scots Greys 2nd Dragoons: Battle of Waterloo 18th June 1815: picture by Charles Hamilton SmithĢ3 rd Royal Welch Fusiliers now the Royal WelshĢ7 th Foot, the Inniskilling Fusiliers and now the Royal Irish RegimentĢ8 th Foot later the Gloucestershire Regiment and now the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment now the Riflesģ0 th Foot later the East Lancashire Regiment later the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment now the Duke of Lancaster’s Regimentģ2 nd Foot later the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry later the Light Infantry now the Riflesģ3 rd Foot the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment now the Yorkshire RegimentĤ0 th Foot later the South Lancashire Regiment later the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment now the Duke of Lancaster’s RegimentĤ2 nd Highlanders later the Black Watch (the Royal Highland Regiment) now the Royal Regiment of ScotlandĤ4 th Foot later the Essex Regiment and now the Royal Anglian Regimentĥ1 st Light Infantry later the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry later the Light Infantry now the Riflesĭuke of Wellington and his staff at the Battle of Waterloo on 18th June 1815 with the Prince of Orange wounded in the bottom left cornerġ5. The Army was sustained by volunteer recruitment and the Royal Artillery was not able to recruit sufficient gunners for its needs. Throughout the Peninsular War and the Waterloo campaign, the British army was plagued by a shortage of artillery. The British were developing shrapnel (named after the British officer who invented it) which increased the effectiveness of exploding shells against troops in the field, by exploding in the air and showering them with metal fragments. were of particular use against buildings. Exploding shells fired by howitzers, yet in their infancy. Guns also fired case shot or canister which fragmented and was highly effective against troops in the field over a short range. The British rifle battalions (60 th and 95 th Rifles) carried the Baker rifle, a more accurate weapon but slower to fire, and a sword bayonet.įield guns fired a ball projectile, of limited use against troops in the field unless those troops were closely formed. Marshal Ney: Battle of Waterloo on 18th June 1815: picture by Francois Gerarda

Scourge of war waterloo black boxes